Cliffside Baptist Church

Our Choirs

Calendar of Events
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Youth Activities
Meet our Choirs
Mission Page

We have a Choir for everyone. If you sing then we have at least one that you would fit into. If you do not sing we have a drama group that needs your help. If this is not for you we need sound and video people to help out. So we have a place for everyone. You can be a part of the group.

Sanctuary Choir at Christmas.
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Above the Sanctuary Choir is performing the Christmas Cantata.

Sonshine Choir is for the little ones.

Faith in Motion is our Stick Drama Team.

Youth Choir

Adult Tone Chime Choir perform in our Sanctuary.

Goodwill Singers

Above the Goodwill Singers are performing in the Sancturary. They also go to the rest homes and our home bound members to perform.

The Praise and Worship Team

Our Praise and Worship Team perform at our church and others as well.

Praise and Worship team sing on Sunday morning

Childrens Choir
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Children singing the books of the bible

Our Childrens Choir performs in the Sanctuary.

Check our calendar page for listings of practice times.

Cliffside Baptist Church
220 Old Main Street
P.O. Box 336
Cliffside, NC 28024
Phone: 828-657-6044