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Past Mission trips to Faith Home in Honduras. 

Faith Home Campus


Kenia is the first child that our church sponsored from Faith Home. On the first mission trip we fell in love with her and decided to sponsor her. Every year we take her presents and spend some time with her. We let her know that the people of Cliffside Baptist Church love her and all the children of Faith Home.
If you would like to sponsor a child at Faith Home please follow the link below to go to the Child Sponsorship web site where you can learn more about how to sponsor a child. They need our Love and Support Thank you.

Abner is the child that my family sponsors
Sponsored by the Stephens Family

My brother and I have been going to Faith Home for several years now. We talked it over with the our family and we decided as a family that instead of Christmas Gifts being passed out that we would sponsor a child at Faith Home. The past two years we have sponsored Abner and we know that this is better than getting aftershave, ties or something else that we do not want or need. Also every year we get to go see him on our mission trips and give him gifts.
These are loving children and need your support so think about it and follow the link above to give the gift that  gives them a chance of a future in Christ. 


Faith Home

Faith Home is an orphanage setup in Honduras to give a good Christian family home environment to the abandoned or orphaned children of Honduras. The government of Honduras places the children in the home when the courts find abused, orphaned, or abandoned children living on the streets. These children have no way of support or to get a good education. Faith Home gives them the things that are needed to become a useful part if the community. They also teach them the meaning of Christian Love and Family. Each child is placed in home settings that have good Christian parents to see that the children are cared for and the needs are met. Faith Home also provides a school and the Christian teaching to help develop their faith and love for the Lord. After they reach the age of 14 they go into a transition house where they have to start doing all the work of the house. They wash their own clothes and fix their meals. They still have to attend school both public and the private school of Faith Home. These children have a house parent that makes sure they do their work and that they go to school. This program gets them ready to go out into the world and make a difference. At age 17 they have to leave Faith Home but some come back to attend the Bible College that was built and opened last year. Here is where the children learn to become Pastors and Teachers to help give others a chance to hear God’s Word.        



Children love to play!

Giving out Food

So many need food.

2007 Team
2007 team.jpg

Our Mission Trips

On our trips to Faith Home we have helped construct some of the Children’s Homes, The #2 School building, the medical building, the transition home for the boys and one for the girls. We have laid block, pored concrete, roofed homes, built a guard house, repaired gates, and removed old buildings that were about to fall in.


The best parts of the trip are when we get to meet and play with the children, and we always go out into the community and pass out food to the families who live in the area. They always are very thankful for any of the gifts of food they receive. This gives us a chance to pass on the Word of God to these people who may not hear it without our efforts. Enjoy the pictures and links to Faith Home’s web site.  


Every team member needs at least $1,000 to fund their trip. Most of the members fund their own trip. We have many good people in our church which help support the team but we still have to raise some of the money ourselves.

If you would like to help support the teams please contact the church office. We are getting a new team together to go down in January, 2008. We need at least 16 people to go down to have a team of our own. If we can’t get enough people we will have to partner with another group to fill the team. If you have a Passport and would like to experience this kind of Christian Love please contact the church office we would love to have you join us.

The Children Love Candy

Contact the church if you are interested in becoming a part of this mission.

Cliffside Baptist Church
220 Old Main Street
P.O. Box 336
Cliffside, NC 28024
Phone: 828-657-6044